I remember as a child there was an elderly man, a Mr. Estes, who lived across the street. He was a sort of a local historian, and I remember him talking about finding old beads and other things just west of the town of Warren in Northern Jackson County, not far from the North Fork of the Red. He said there used to be an old trading post there. Then when I read about this narrative of Sequoyah's last days it mentions a 'Warren's Trading Post'. I have wondered for years if the two were one and the same. I also wondered if they had confused Cache Creek for the North Fork of the Red. I have finally looked into it the last 2 or 3 weeks. As with most of my research, it is disappointing. They appear to be two different places. But also as with much of my research, what I find is still very interesting.
The story
of Sequoyah's last trip to Mexico in 1842 was told by the Worm.
William P. Ross was at editor of the Cherokee Nation newspaper, The
Cherokee Advocate. He was
a nephew to Chief John Ross (1).
article was reproduced in “Chronicles of Oklahoma” under the
title 'The Story of Sequoyah's Last Days' in March 1934, Vol. 12, no.
1. Much of that reproduction is below. There is a map (8) in the notes section at the end of this report. Unfortunately #'s 8 and 9 are out of order. I hope to put them in the correct order soon.
Narrative of Oo-Chee-Ah (The Worm)
came to my house in the spring of 1842, to give me notice that, the
next time he visited my house, he would tell me for what purpose he
should want me to be with him. After this notification, he went to
the neighborhood of Park Hill; and, on returning, came to my house
after dark and spent the night with me. The next morning he addressed
me, saying:—"We are good friends. You are well acquainted with
the country and homes of the different western tribes. I wish to
travel amongst them and am desirous that you shall go with me, by all
means. In three days, we shall start." The day after the visit,
I went to his house, some eight miles off; when he asked me, if I
felt willing to go with him, and were preparing to start? I replied
that I was willing to go, but did not wish to start until I could get
my gun lock fixed, as it was out of order. He told me not to mind
about the gun, but just to bring my horse, saddle and bridle, and
that he would furnish me with a gun and other things for traveling.
He admonished me to say nothing about whither I was going, but if
asked, simply to reply, on a visit. Shortly after this we started,
went to Park Hill, where we spent some days with Archibald Campbell.
At Park Hill, he procured for me a gun and other things, from Mr.
Lewis Ross (2).
pursued our journey, and crossed the Arkansas a short distance below
Fort Gibson. There were nine in company with three pack horses,
to-wit: George Guess, his son, Tesa Guess, myself, John Elijah,
Oo-wo-so-ti, Cah-ta-ta, Nu-wo-ta-na, Talla-too, and Co-tes-ka, a
crossing the Arkansas, Sequoyah said, as we have to travel through a
wilderness country where there are no roads or paths, and as you are
well acquainted with the country, I wish you take the lead, and go
the most direct route to the tribes living on Red River. This I did.
After traveling beyond Little River, we struck a road leading to Red
River, which we kept, with occasional intermissions in circuitous
places, for fifteen days before coming to the latter River, traveling
at a moderate pace through the prairies. Across Red River, Sequoyah
said, "Now that we are in good hunting grounds, we will travel
on, stopping a day, or two, now and then, to hunt;" and inquired
where was the nearest Indian village? I pointed to the west, and told
him it was some distance. He requested me then to inform him where
good water could be found, that he and the rest of the company could
stay at, until myself and two of the young men could visit the
village. This I did; and was absent twelve days in visiting the
villages, where I found Wacoes, Caddoes and Wichetaws, the principal
inhabitants; Echa-sis, Hi-ye-ni-his, Nuntagoos, who are living
in neighboring villages, but speak different languages. (3)
on the Narrative
is a Caddoan band, and it is possible the Hiyenihi's are the same
people I found a reference where it said some Caddo moved to Indian
Territory that the government had created North of Red River. That's
a stretch, though.
have found a reference mentioning the Keechi at the mouth of Cache
Creek. It is known the Wichita proper were at Devils Canyon, with the
North Fork of Red River to their west and the Quartz Mountains to
their east. Most Indian Villages were at locations that could be
easily defended. And with the Mountain on one side and the river on
the other, they would have time to defend themselves, meaning they
had a wise Principle chief. However this is a location far from the
mouth of Cache Creek.
those other tribal towns mentioned by the Worm, I am afraid to say I
have never heard of them in any other reference. Who were the
Echasis, the Hi-ye-ni-his, and the Nuntagoos? I am just getting to
know some people at the Oklahoma Historical Society, so I will ask
around. Nuntagoo—A-nun-da-go – A-na-dar-ko? At this website –
– they are called “Nadaco” and today are a part of the Caddo
Nation. Na-da-co<=> Nunt-a-goo => the two are very similar.
(4) I suspect these Indians along the Cache Creek might have been
partially Caddoan, and perhaps Wichitan as well, mixed together. They
might have been spread from Cache Creek all the way to the North Fork
of the Red in the Quartz Mountain area.
to the Narrative of the Worm
By these
Indians we were well treated. The object in visiting them was to
ascertain, at Sequoyah's request, whether there were any Cherokees
among them, or near by, from Mexico. The village spoken of was the
Wichetaw village—crossed Red River just below the mouth of Cache
Creek. We found no Cherokees living among the Wichitaws, but learned
that some were living on the Washitaw (9). On our return, we arrived at
the camp late in the day, and found Sequoyah very sick; he sat up
that evening and addressed me, saying, "My friend, I am sorry
that on getting back you find me in this situation; I have been sick
and eat nothing for eight days, as we have nothing that suits my
taste. I hope, my friend, you will procure something that I can eat."
His son then asked him if he would eat, offering him some honey and
venison, of which they had an abundance, but these he declined,
wanting bread, but there was none. I then gave him some wild plums,
which I had gathered on my return.— Of these he ate freely and felt
refreshed. It was now night.
on Narrative
was clearly dying. He had not eaten for 8 days. He didn't want
venison or wild honey, but he would eat wild plums. I would like for
a professional doctor to read these things and determine what was the
cause of his illness.
Back to the Worm's Narrative
I determined to start the next morning and return to the Wichetaw village, four days' travel distant, to procure bread and other things, if possible, that the old man could eat. Observing me make ready, he enquired if I were going back to the village? and when informed of my determination to do so, approved the plan and requested that I should go and return in my former route; as he and the rest of the company would follow on, if he should be able to ride, and we should thus meet some sooner again. While sick, and at other times, when not traveling, he was constantly writing. On the morning of the fifth day after leaving Sequoyah, the second time, myself and company arrived at the Wichetaw village, where we bought about three bushels of corn at three dollars per bushel, packed it on our horses and immediately started back. On the evening of the third day of our return, my horse gave out, but fortunately, we met Sequoyah and party. It was then determined to encamp, and hunting up a shady place with good water, a fire was immediately made and the men began to prepare some food, which he was very impatient to obtain. He ate freely of bread, honey, and a kind of hominy. After eating he felt much refreshed, requested a pipe and some tobacco; smoked, expressed himself much better and then requested to lie down, that he might stretch his weary limbs for rest. I took a seat close by him and inquired what was his complaint. He replied, that he had been taken with a pain in the breast, which extended to different parts of his body, but that he felt so much refreshed from eating, he thought he should now soon get well, by the aid of diet. Feeling so well that evening, and wishing to continue on to the village, as some of the company were anxious to buy horses, he proposed to rest the next day at this camp and on the day following, go forward to some water course, where we should spend a couple of days—thinking by this time he would be able to travel. It was his purpose not to remain long among the Wichetaws, but to return to the timbered country, where we could hunt.
on the Narrative
says Sequoyah had some chest pains that extended to other parts of
his body. Maybe a heart attack or congestive heart failure? The Worm
keeps calling him “the old man”. He was clearly elderly and in
poor health.
am at conflict here. The narrative keeps calling these Indians the
Wichita. Sequoyah's son Teesee had lived with the Texas Cherokee, and
they lived next to the Caddo, and Teesee was along with his father,
Sequoyah. He woyuld NOT have confused the Wichita with the Caddo. To
my knowledge, the Wichita Village was 40-50 miles to the west, and
as further miles north of the mouth of Cache Creek. Were these the
Keechi? Was there a second Wichita Village?
to the Narrative
the expiration of the time allowed above for rest, he hurried on,
that he might soon return, to the hunting grounds—his health
continued to improve. On the second morning after the meeting noticed
above, the company left the camp, traveled part of a day—came to a
water course, where we encamped two nights and a day, and then set
out for the village, at which we arrived, after travelling nearly
three days. We came to the village of the Echasi, in the neighborhood
of the other villages. Soon after arriving and encamping, the head
man of the Echasi, called by the Cherokees, Oo-till-ka, or the man
who has a feather in his head, came to the camp, met us as his
friends, said that he was very sorry to find the old man so sick, and
that he would take him to his lodge, where he could take care of him.
He would not talk much to him, for fear of wearying him while sick,
but busied himself in providing such nourishing food as he could eat.
This chief is very kind to all strangers. The next morning after
breakfast, the Chief told the company to visit any of the villages,
as if at home, without ceremony, and to buy such things as they
wished. This they did, visited all the villages and did not return
until late in the evening. The following morning after breakfast
awhile, a messenger arrived from the Chief of the most remote
village, that of the Wichetaws, 4 miles off, inviting the company to
his lodge, as he should have something for them to eat. His
invitation was accepted and the company, excepting myself and young
Guess, who stayed with the old man, accompanied back the messenger,
and spent the day with the Wichetaws. About noon of this day,
Sequoyah became much better and requested that the Chief with whom he
was staying, might come into the lodge set apart for him. Oo-till-ka
did so, took a seat near by where Sequoyah was seated, and said to
him: "I am glad to see you in my lodge. I am friendly with all
of the tribes north of me, and meet them always as friends. I am glad
to inform you that though, all these tribes were once at war against
each other, they have made treaties of peace and now hold each other
so firmly by the hand that nothing can separate them." He said
further, that, on the day previous, he and the principal men of the
six neighboring villages, had met together and he was glad to have an
opportunity, now, to converse a little with him upon those things
about which they had met in council—which were concerning the peace
and friendship existing between the different tribes; but as they had
no good interpreter, what had already passed was as much as they
could expect. Sequoyah seemed to be very weak, he proposed that he
should lie down again and rest, which he did.
Then a messenger came to Oo-till-ka, to inform him of the arrival, at a neighboring village, of a Texan runner, inviting them to meet the Texans in council, near the Waco old-village.—The Chief then told Sequoyah that he would talk more with him in the morning, when he was stronger, but would now go to see the Texan. He left. Sequoyah continued laying until evening, (the chief not having yet returned,) when he again set up.
on the Narrative
visit occurred while the Anadarko were living north of Red River.
They were clearly Caddoan, then. It mentions six villages, Echasi
being the one that Sequoyah got to know the best. I have found little
more about the Esachi that this comment by the Worm. I will keep
to the Narrative
then inquired of me whether I did not think it would be better for
the young men of our company, to return, as they might become sick by
remaining in the village? I replied that I should agree in his
next morning Sequoyah said to our company, "My friends, we are a
long way from our homes; I am very sick, and may long remain so
before I recover. To-morrow therefore, I wish you all to return home,
but my son and Worm, who will journey on with me. I wish you to
consent to my proposal; for should we all continue on and some of you
be taken sick, it will not be within our power to give such proper
attention." To this request they acceded, and took leave.
Sequoyah, his son and myself, then prepared to resume our journey,
which we did after Sequoyah had talked a little with the Chief,
Oo-till-ka, and made him some presents of tobacco and other small
At the
instance of Sequoyah, we took our former route, on the sixth day
arrived at the place selected by him as a camping ground, where we
spent four days in hunting and then went on until we came to a water
course, at which Sequoyah wished to rest some days for the purpose of
bathing himself and that a supply of honey might be obtained. He
said, at this place, that his health was improving, but he was
afflicted still with pains, and a cough, which had the effect to
weaken him. After four days' rest, we made ready to start; He then
said to me, "My friend, we are here, in the wilderness; do not
get tired of me, I desire to reach the Mexican country. You know the
course." Being assured of my willingness to go with him, he
requested me to take the course—which I did. Travelling on five
days more, he again said to us, "You will not get tired of me,
altho' sick? If I die you can do what seems best, but while alive be
guided by me." Continuing on for ten days, we came to a water
course, where we rested four days. A few days after, while encamped
on a river, the report of guns was heard and then a drum. In
descending the river to discover who were so near us, we came upon a
road along which some persons had just passed. When apprised of this,
Sequoyah determined to follow on the next morning, and overtake them.
then took the road and when we overtook them, found them to be
Shawnees, and with whom we encamped that night. The next morning, the
Shawnees inquired of Sequoyah, where he was going? He replied, that
he had a great anxiety to visit the country of the Mexicans, but
should return in a short time. The Shawnees stated that they were on
a hunting expedition, that he could proceed on his way and, if he
found any thing interesting, they would be glad to hear it on his
return. He then inquired of them the direction of the nearest Mexican
towns, or villages? which they pointed out in the same course,
Sequoyah remarked, that I had been pointing. We then started and
travelled six days in succession, when we stopped—with the
intention of hunting a few days, but the old man determined to
proceed directly on until we came to a larger water course. We
proceeded on until a while after sun up, and having crossed a
mountain, we came to a small branch but passed on, till we reached a
very beautiful, bubbling spring, where the company halted. While
still mounted, a number of bees came to the spring, when Sequoyah
said, "As we are neither runaways nor in such a hurry, but that
we can stop and look for some honey;" and requested me to hand
him some water.
We encamped at the spring—soon after pulling the saddles off our horses, Young Guess walked away a short distance, and found a bee tree. We spent two nights at this spring. The second night that we encamped there, some Tewockenee Indians came upon us, and stole all our horses; we pursued some distance and could probably have overtaken them, but were afraid to leave the old man long alone, and so returned to the camp. The next morning he requested us to take him to some safe hiding place; to secrete our effects in the tops of trees, and proceed straight to the village of the Tewockenees. After complying with the first part of his request, he altered his determination, and told us not to go in search of our horses which might be some time or other recovered, but to proceed directly to the Mexican settlements, where probably we could obtain other horses.
on the Narrative
thought they were getting tired of following an old sick man, and
asked his friend the Worm and is son Teesee only to remain with him.
He had first travelled west to see if there were any Cherokee amongst
the Indians on Red River. Finding none, he wants to go south to see
if there are any Cherokees along the Mexican border. He comes across
some Shawnee. Some 'Tewockenee” Indians stole their horses. That is
a band of the Wichita, and it was said they were living on the Brazos
at this time. They are usually called Tawakoni's. The Wichita's along
and North of Red River had been friendly, but those in Texas stole
from him. Some things don't change.
Back to the Narrative
We set
out on foot in the evening, leaving the old man alone. Travelling on
some four miles, Young Guess and myself came to a river called
Mauluke, which could not be crossed. We ascended it some distance,
until late in the evening and then encamped for the night: in the
morning made a raft, crossed the river, proceeded that day a short
distance, and again encamped. About noon, the day following, while
eating, the reports of many guns were heard in the direction of our
route. We immediately proceeded on at a rapid rate till we cleared
the mountains and, coming to a prairie, saw the tracks of a
wagon.—Here we halted and spent some time, I having advised my
companion that we had perhaps, better not proceed to the town until
towards night.
I felt
convinced that we were lost, but was unwilling to express an
indisposition to proceed on, lest my companion should consider me
cowardly. We however, pushed on until we came within about one
hundred yards of the town, when hearing a good deal of talking, we
stopped and, listening, heard none but the Spanish language. Having
turned around and walked back a short distance, we encamped for the
night, determined not to go into the Fort until morning. This night
we did not sleep much as the firing of guns was kept up throughout
the night. The place was San Antonio. In the morning, proceeding into
Town, we were not perceived by any one until we got in some distance,
when we met with two soldiers, who came up, shook our hands friendly
and requested us to follow them. We did so, until met by an officer
who, inviting the soldiers and ourselves to follow him, conducted us
around a considerable portion of San Antonio to a store, where the
people were drinking. The officer having entered the store for a few
seconds, told us to follow him to the quarters of the commanding
officer, and informed us that we were then in a situation that we
could do nothing, intimating that we were prisoners.
Upon entering the quarters of the commanding officer, he seated himself upon the opposite side of the room from that occupied by ourselves and the soldiers and others who crowded around us. Remaining silent for sometime, and then pacing the room to and fro, this officer at length, came to us and inquired, of what tribe we were, and when informed, declared that he did not at all like the Cherokees, because they had been, a short time previous warring against the Texans. When apprised, that we resided on the Arkansas, within the limits of the U. S., and that we wished to borrow horses, ours having been stolen by the Tewockenees, he repeated his dislike of the Cherokees, and said, he had no horses to lend, and that the Tewockenees and other tribes, some of whom were doubtless prowling about the neighborhood that day, had stolen many of their horses. He further inquired, whether we had any pass-ports? and when told none, said, they were necessary. To which it was replied, that we were ignorant of the fact, as we had frequently visited the towns and settlements of the whites in Arkansas, without ever having any demanded of us. We were also told by him that they would have fired upon and killed us had it not been for the caps on our heads, which alone saved us, as the neighboring tribes go with bare heads.
was spent in conversation with the officer, who became quite
friendly, and gave us tobacco, pass-ports, and a very good axe, that
we might bring thereafter a quantity of honey. He also admonished us
to be on our guard, in going about the country, as there were many
hostile persons among the wild tribes. We then parted.
In going
through the town some of the women called and invited us to take
something to eat, but we told them we could not, being in a great
hurry—soon after leaving the town, met three or four soldiers,
riding very sorry ponies, who also told us to be on the look out, as
there were many Comanches about. After leaving them we began to
travel pretty fast, and kept increasing our speed until we got into a
run, and throwing away the borrowed axe—travelled a great distance
that day, for fear that the Texans might intend to entrap or take
some advantage of us.
on the Narrative
leave Sequoyah behind and arrive in San Antonio. They don't trust
the Texan's, and flee the city for fear of them. They return to where
they had left Sequoyah, where his health seems to be returning. By
wearing hats, they save their lives from the Texans would have killed
them, otherwise. The Plains Indians don't wear hats.
of the Narrative
day after leaving San Antonio, we arrived at the camp of Sequoyah,
who was well and fast gaining strength. He then requested we should
procure him a good supply of provisions, find a secure retreat and
set out again, for the Mexican settlements to get horses. A safe
retreat was found some three miles from the encampment, he was placed
in it and a supply of honey and venison sufficient to last him twenty
days procured. The secure retreat was in a cave, which seemed to be
above high water; but in case that it should not be, there was a log
which he could climb up easily to a more elevated place. Having
placed him in this cave, we set out, and travelled on two days; on
the third day, which was windy, just as we were approaching a cedar
thicket, I happened to look behind, and saw three men coming upon us
at full speed. We fell back upon a small patch of timber and threw
down our packs for the purpose of defending ourselves; as they came
near. I hailed them, and inquired in the Comanche language, if they
were friends? They said they were, and immediately threw down their
lances and arrows, and came up and shook hands with us, and said as
we are friends we will sit down and smoke the pipe.
Comanches then said, that when they first saw us they supposed us to
be Texans by having on caps, but when they got nearer and saw
feathers in them, they took us to be Shawnees or Delawares, and that
had it not been for the feathers in our caps, they would have fired
upon us. This was the second time that feathers in our caps had
probably saved our lives—and they had just been placed there by
young Guess, who had killed a turkey. After smoking, one of the
Comanches returned for their women whom they had left, upon
discovering our tracks. They then inquired where we were going, and
when informed, said that our route would be very rough and
mountainous; but as they were going there themselves, if well, we
would all travel together, as they would be able to show us a nearer
and better route. This we consented to and travelled with them three
days; we then separated, and travelled fourteen consecutive days
before reaching the frontier settlements of Mexico. Before reaching
the town we came to a river that we could not cross and had to
encamp. Not being aware whether we were near any habitations or not,
it caused us so much anxiety that we could not sleep—when some time
in the night we heard a drum.
In the morning we rose early, and there happening to be a turkey seated on a tree near by, young Guess shot it. This we hastily prepared and ate. Soon as this was over we attempted to cross the river, but could not; we then set about making a raft, but just as we had a couple of logs, a mounted Mexican appeared on the opposite bank—inquired who we were, and informed us that there was a ferry lower down. On arriving at the ferry we found the boat ready and a company of armed men in attendance.
on the Narrative of the Worm
return to Sequoyah's camp. Secure food and shelter for him, then
continue to the Mexican border. Teesee, Sequoyah's son, kills a
turkey and they eat it. They put turkey feathers in their hats. Later
a troop of Comanche come upon them, and tell then they would have
killed them for they wore hats and thought them to me Texan's. But as
the Comanche's saw the feathers in their hats they decided not to
kill them, thinking they to be Shawnee or Delaware. They agree to
travel a while with the Comanche. After continuing with the Comanche
for 3 days, they parted ways. They later come across a river that
turns out to be the Rio Grande, the border between Texas and Mexico.
The Narrative of the Worm
crossing, an officer informed us that he would go with us to the
principal man of the town, which was about six miles distant; on
reaching the town we observed many women washing, who as well as men
and boys, immediately gathered around us, being entire strangers, and
conducted us into the town. The officer stated the crowd was
attracted by curiosity to see us as we were strangers; but had no
intention to harm us. He conducted us to the head man of the place.
We were led into the house of this man—the crowd that followed us
and one that came meeting us, having stopped, at what we supposed to
be the limits allowed them.
The town
was small—the houses made of large brick—the people dressed in
different kinds of costumes. The houses looked odd, being low with
flat roofs. Many of the women were very pretty. Thirteen officers
were present. Much time was spent in looking up an Interpreter, who
was a Spaniard, that spoke English. Soon as the Interpreter came, the
Officer inquired who we were? And being informed, said, he was glad
to see us, and asked our notions and what object we had in view in
visiting Mexico, and also if there were any news of importance from
the Texans, whom, he said the Mexicans had a short time before
defeated in battle, and taken some three hundred of them prisoners.
Having satisfied him on these points, and given him to understand
that we had not been dispatched to his town on any special business
of a public nature, he expressed the pleasure it gave him and the
other officers to see us, and insisted on our remaining that night in
the town, as the day was too far gone for us to reach the Cherokee
village, which he informed us, was some thirty miles distant. He then
had us conducted to a lodging place in the quarters of some soldiers,
telling us to call before leaving in the morning, to receive
remained some time in the house assigned us, and then took seats
outside of it, to observe the people and the soldiery, and sentinels
on duty. While thus passing away the time, a Mexican approached me
silently and touched my back in order to attract my attention towards
him. I looked around, and beheld, pierced through with a stick that
he had in his hands, a couple of human ears, taken from one of four
persons they had killed a short time before. An officer then came and
requested us to walk about the town with him; we complied and
followed him about for some time.—He conducted us, amongst other
places, into a bake shop and into two or three houses, in each of
which he gave us to drink of ardent spirits, which he called whisky,
but which tasted very different from any we had ever before drunk.
Before we had wandered much about the town, I felt lost, owing to the
striking resemblance between its different parts. It being after the
hour of twelve o'clock, there was but little business doing, as
nearly all of the shops were closed. While yet rambling about the
place, a soldier came, to request us to go back to our lodgings, upon
reaching which we found the soldiers on parade, ready to march off a
short distance. By invitation we joined them and kept along with
them, until we came to a kind of public square, where there were a
number of large kettles containing bread, beef and soup.
these large pots the waiters served the officers, ourselves, and the
soldiers in order, by taking up pieces of meat with a fork and giving
it to us in our hands. What was given me I ate through politeness,
but with some difficulty, so highly seasoned was it with pepper, some
of which I was so unfortunate as to get into my eyes. Early the next
morning we met with a man who spoke English, and who conducted us to
a place where we obtained a breakfast that an Indian could eat and
without cost, for the man who gave it to us said that he could not be
behind the Cherokees; he had been much among them without any
expense, he could not therefore charge us; but hoped that we would
take our meals with him while we remained there.
last thing. They speak of a drink he says, that the Mexican called
'whiskey', as though he wouldn't have called it whiskey. I suspect
it was Taquilla.
Comments on the Narrative of the Worm
soldiers traveled with them into Mexico, wanting to know who they
were. They told them they were Cherokee and the Mexican's told them
of a nearby Cherokee community. Interestingly they say the Mexican
people wore a different kind of clothing, and also say the women were
very pretty. The clincher is that he ate Mexican food 'out of
politeness' saying the food was highly seasoned . .. and he had the
misfortune to get some of it into his eyes. He said the next day
someone took him to a place where there was a breakfast that an
Indian could eat for free. Earlier the Cherokee had fed him and he
returned the favor by feeding them for free.
Narrative of the Worm
This day,
we remained in town, but having passports, left the following
morning, in company with a Mexican, who went with us to a town called
by the Mexicans, "San Cranto," some thirty miles distant.
Upon arriving at San Cranto, we were informed that there were a
couple of Cherokees in the place, but thinking it would be difficult
to find them, we went with our Mexican companion to the house of his
brother where we spent the night and by good luck met with our
countryman. It gave us great pleasure to see this man, whose name is
Standing Rock. He answered a great many questions, and assured us
that it would give the Cherokees in Mexico great joy to see their
brothers among them, and proposed to accompany us forthwith to their
village, about ten miles distant. About seven miles from San Cranto
we passed through a small settlement of runaway negroes, some two or
three of whom I met with spoke the Cherokee language. Three miles
further we arrived at the Cherokee village, situated within a large
prairie, in a grove of timber, half a mile wide, and some three miles
long, and watered by means of a ditch, from a large spring, some two
miles distant.
brothers were very glad to see us, and gave us a warm welcome to
their little village. Being soon apprised that we came to obtain
assistance, to convey in the aged Sequoyah, who was very anxious to
visit them, they declared their readiness to afford us company, but
could not furnish any horses, as all of their's, save those that were
very poor, had died, since they went into Mexico. They, however,
promised to borrow some of the horses belonging to the Mexican army,
at a neighboring town. But there being none, the commanding officer
referred us back to San Cranto, to which place we returned, after two
day's resting with the Cherokees. The officer there could lend us but
one horse, the others having been taken off a few days before, to
some other post, but supplied us, without solicitation, with bread,
meat, salt, sugar and coffee, for the journey. The company then,
consisting of nine persons, immediately set off with the borrowed
horse—crossed the river again at the ferry, and after constant
travelling, on the seventeenth night, camped within a few miles of
Sequoyah's cave. Much solicitude was felt by us, for the safety of
the old man, as we saw much "sign" of the wild Indians on
our way. Three men were accordingly sent on in advance, to the Cave,
with provisions to relieve his wants, if still alive, and in need.
we crossed on a raft. Shortly after passing over a very rocky
country, we came upon a trail made by wild cattle and horses through
a cedar thicket, and along which we discovered the tracks of a man,
going in a different direction from ours. These tracks we soon
discovered to be those of Sequoyah, from the fact of his being lame.
This caused myself and another of the company to hasten to the cave,
and gave us no little anxiety, as we discovered that several persons
had been but recently along our way.
at the cave, we met with our advance company, and discovered a log of
wood leaning against a tree, and a letter bound to one of its limbs.
The Letter was written by Sequoyah in his own native language, and
informed us that, after being left alone, he had met with
misfortune—the water having rose very high, drove him from his
retreat and swept away his store of provisions and almost every thing
else; that, under these circumstances he had determined to pursue his
journey; that if not too long absent we would be able to find him, as
he would fire the grass along his way and the smoke would arise, and
that he hoped, although out of provisions, to be able to support life
until overtaken by us, as he had cut off meat from the heads of some
deer skins. He had no gun, although persuaded to take one when
setting out, but relied upon our rifles. We had now great hope of
soon overtaking him, as he had been gone but four days. After reading
the letter, we immediately started in pursuit, tracked him to the
Mauluke, which he had crossed on a raft.
We left
this camp and returned to our companions—tracked him to the river,
saw where he had sat down, followed down the river and came to a raft
he had crossed on; we crossed at the same place, came to one of his
former camping grounds, and saw where a horse had been tied; feeling
confident that he must have obtained a horse by some means or other,
we followed on very fast to another camping ground, where we saw
bones, which assured us that he had obtained food likewise. There
were many speculations, how he had come by the horse and provisions,
some surmising one thing and some another.—From the constant
rapidity with which we pushed on, and our long journey, the Mexican
horse as well as myself began to get tired; I then selected two men,
and sent them ahead, while the rest encamped for the night. The two
men kept on until night coming on, they lost his track near a creek,
but did not stop, hoping to discover a light. They however passed by
his camp, as they supposed from the appearance of the sign late in
the evening, and returned. In passing near the river, they heard a
horse neigh, and then penetrating into the centre of a thicket in the
forks of the river, found him seated by a lonely fire. He was greatly
rejoiced to meet them. One of the men remained with him while the
other returned, and conducted us next evening to his camp. He
expressed the great happiness our return gave him; and said that his
mind was relieved of much anxiety, as he had suffered much from
sickness, and his lonely situation—fearing that his son and myself
had either met with some accident or been killed.
expressing the happiness our return gave him, he observed, that, for
two days past, he had as much provision as desired, and that we must
have remarked his mode of travelling, which was brought about under
the following circumstances. While engaged, he said, in making a raft
to cross the Mauluke, that he might continue on towards Mexico, he
suddenly took a notion that he would walk to the summit of a
neighboring hill. Throwing down his tomahawk, he started up the hill,
and just as the top was gained, to his great surprise, he came close
upon three men, who quickly halting, one of them declared themselves
to be "Delawares," and to which he replied, "I am a
Cherokee." They camped with him that night, and gave him some of
their victuals and partook of his honey. In the morning, the
Delawares said to him, "Come, let us now return to our own
villages, we will take you to your own door." He replied, "No,
I have sent forward two young men to the Mexican country, whom I
shortly expect back; I am anxious to visit that country. Go with me
there. We will shortly return to our own country." Finding that
they could not agree, the Delawares said, that they would remain with
him until they killed for him some meat, which they did. While they
were hunting, he wrote a letter for them to convey home. Being aged
and crippled, the Delawares, when about to part with him, generously
gave him a horse to ride.
said Sequoyah, "was the way he came by the horse"—and
that he would now tell us what happened to him at the cave.
twelfth night after we left, the rain poured down and the water came
into his cave. He placed all his effects upon a rock in the cave
which the water soon surrounded and forced him on a large log. This
in turn being moved by the water, he climbed the log, which his son
and myself had leaned against the side of the cave and sought refuge
in the ledge of the rock—having abandoned every thing but a couple
of blankets he tied around him; his flint, steel, and spunk (5) and a
few small articles that he could get into his pockets. From the ledge
of rocks he succeeded in making his way out of the cave and ascending
to the top of the hill, where he spent the night under a tree and in
unceasing rain. In the morning, finding a dry place, he kindled a
fire, by which he warmed himself and dried his clothing, and then
went to look at his former home, but found it still covered with
days after, he again returned and found that everything had been
swept away. But following down the branch he found his saddle bags,
around a little tree, from which he recovered all his papers and
other things, and also a tent and three blankets; and on the day
following a brass kettle. After this he made no further search—giving
up all for lost; but even felt glad to escape as well as he did,
especially with his life which he said was far more precious than
aught else. The water having swept away his supply of food, he was
now left entirely without, and when he could get nothing else, lived
on what little flesh he could shave off from the skins of deer killed
by us before leaving. During the greater part of the time however, he
ate nothing but wild honey, which he obtained from a couple of large
trees, that he fortunately discovered and fell at the expense of
repeated efforts, with a small tomahawk. His health had not been
good, but such he said, as would have confined almost any one to his
bed. For each day that we were absent, before leaving his cave, he
cut a notch in a large oak tree.
remained four or five days at the camp, where we found Sequoyah and
in the vicinity, until a stock of provision was killed, and then
resumed our journey, and after travelling sixteen days forded the
river mentioned before, near the Mexican village. In a few days more,
halting along for a short time at the different towns, where Sequoyah
received the kindest hospitality from the Mexicans, the company
arrived at the Cherokee Village.
San Crato
was probably a corruption of San Fernando. After meeting the Mexican
Cherokee, they returned to get Sequoyah. While they had been gone, a
great flood destroyed Sequoyah's camp. After many hardships, he came
upon some Delaware Indians, who had fed and cared for him.
Notice he
saved his flint, steel and spunk, his gear for starting fire. (5)
Sequoyah's friends found, save because of the help of the Delaware,
and they were received in a friendly manner by the Mexican people.
End of the Narrative
The Worm
spent sometime with the Cherokees and then returned, at the
solicitation of Sequoyah, with a party of Caddoes, to the Wichetaw
town to recover, if possible, the horses that had been stolen from
them. He was unable to get them, and not meeting with any person
going to Mexico, could not return early as expected. At length
several Caddoes arrived from Mexico and brought tidings that Sequoyah
was no more, which was soon confirmed by a party of Cherokees. The
complaint that terminated his life, was the cough which had long
afflicted him, combined perhaps, with some disease common in that
country. His death was sudden—having been long confined to the
house, he requested one day some food, and while it was preparing
breathed his last.
Warren's Trading House, (6)
Red River, April 21st, 1845. )
Warren's Trading House, (6)
Red River, April 21st, 1845. )
We the
undersigned Cherokees, direct from the Spanish dominions, do hereby
certify that George Guess, of the Cherokee Nation, Arkansas, departed
this life in the town of Sanfernando in the month of August 1843, and
his son (Chusaleta) is at this time on the Brasos River, Texas, about
30 miles above the falls, and intends returning home this fall.
under our hands day and date above written.
Standing Rock, his x mark
Standing Bowles, his x mark
Watch Justice, his x mark
Standing Bowles, his x mark
Watch Justice, his x mark
Daniel G. Watson,
Jesse Chisholm (7)
Daniel G. Watson,
Jesse Chisholm (7)
Of the signatures above, Standing Rock was one of the
Cherokee found n Mexico. Standing Bowles was obviously a descendant
of Duwali, also known as The Bowl or Bowles, the head of the Texas
Cherokee, killed when the Texans attacked them in 1839. Bowles had
attacked some travelers at Muscle Shoals about 1794, and fled
westward to the Missouri boot heel. After an earthquake in 1822, they
fled to the south shore of the Arkansas River. Once the treaty of
1818 was signed he was going to have to move again to the north side
of the Arkansas River. Rather than do this, he fled south of the red
River into Mexican controlled Texas. When the Texan's won their
independence from Mexico, they evicted the Texas Cherokee after Lamar
was made governor once Sam Houston left office. Notice the name of
Jessee Chisholm, grandson of john Chisholm and mixed blood Cherokee.
The Chisholm Cattle Trail was named after him.
Golden Ross,
was of no blood relation to Chief John Ross of the Cherokees, was
born in Scotland on December 23, 1787. When a mere lad, his parents,
with young John and his sister, embarked from Scotland for America to
establish a new home. While en route, a violent storm arose at sea,
during which the father was swept overboard into the sea and was
never seen again. The frantic mother collapsed and died from the
shock, leaving the two children to the care of strangers. The ship's
captain brought the orphans into port at Baltimore where a
kind-hearted citizen gave them a home. The sister died shortly
thereafter but John Golden Ross grew to young manhood in Baltimore
where he attended school and became a cabinet maker. Early in life,
he struck out for himself, went south and located in Tennessee in the
country of the Cherokee Indians. The young Scotchman served as a
rifleman in Gen. Jackson's Tennessee militia in the Creek war of
1813-14 and fought with "Old Hickory" at New Orleans in
January, 1815. Upon the conclusion of the war, he returned to
Tennessee where, in 1819, he married Eliza Ross,
sister of John Ross, later to become chief of the Cherokees. .
He was very much esteemed by all who knew him. His business operations were quite successful and he enjoyed the comforts of a fine home at Park Hill.
William Potter Ross, eldest son of John Golden and Eliza Ross, was born at the base of Lookout Mountain, on the Tennessee river, some seven miles south of Chattanooga, Tennessee, on August 20, 1820.
Lewis Ross was Chief John Ross' brother. Archibald Campbell was born
about 1788 and is buried in the Ross Cemetery in Park Hill
I have tried in vain to discover the names of the tribes to which we
are more familiar. Wichita
bands today are the Wichita proper, the Tawakoni, Keechi, Waco. They
call themselves Kitikiti’sh
(Kirikirish), ] Among the tribes composing the confederacy, each of
which probably spoke a slightly different dialect of the common
language, we have the names of the Wichita proper (?), Tawehash
(Tayovayas), Tawakoni
(Tawakarchu), Waco,
(is this Echasi?), Akwesh, Asidahetsh, Kishkat, Korishkitsu. A
considerable parts of the Panimaha, or Skidi Pawnee, also appear to
have lived with them about the middle of the 18th century, and in
fact the Pawnee and Wichita tribes have almost always been on terms
of close intimacy. It is possible that the Yscani of the earlier
period may be the later Waco (Bolton). The only divisions now
existing are the Wichita proper (possibly synonymous with Tawehash),
Tawakoni, and Waco. To these may be added the incorporated Kichai
remnant, of cognate but different language. Just previous to the
annexation of Texas to the United States, about 1840-5, the Tawakoni
and Waco resided chiefly on Brazos river, and were considered as
belonging to Texas, while the Wichita proper (and the Kechi) resided
north of Red river, in and north of the Wichita mountains, and were
considered as belonging to the United States. According to the best
estimates for about 1800, the Wichita proper constituted more than
two-thirds of the whole body.
The Anadarko (Nadaco) were an American Indian tribe indigenous to
Texas and whose descendants are now members of the Caddo Nation of
Oklahoma. Recognized as Kadohadacho or "the Caddo Proper"
since the nineteenth century, an estimated 449 Anadarkos resided in
Oklahoma, mostly in Caddo County, circa 1950. The Caddo County seat
of Anadarko was named for the tribe.
first reported the "Nondacao" in East Texas in 1542. By
1700 the tribe had joined the Hasinai, one of three Caddo
"confederations" (the Kadohadacho and the Natchitoches were
the others). While most Hasinai dwelled near the upper Neches and
Angelina rivers, the Anadarko lived farther north along the Sabine
River. All Caddo shared the same language and culture.
Anadarko were located at the forks of the Trinity River when Texas
independence was declared in 1836. Their unfriendly relations with
the Republic of Texas culminated when Texas troops drove the Anadarko
into Indian Territory (present Oklahoma) in winter 1838-39. The tribe
returned to Texas in 1843 and settled on the Brazos River. After
Texas statehood, in 1846 the United States negotiated a treaty with
the tribes of that region. The Anadarko were represented by Iesh
(José María), who had emerged as the principal Caddo leader.
Hostilities continued, however, and the Anadarko were soon overrun by
white settlers.
Anadarko were placed on the Brazos Reservation near Fort Belknap,
Texas, in 1854. They, along with the Waco, Tonkawa, and other tribes,
were removed to the Indian Territory in 1859 and placed under the
jurisdiction of the Wichita Agency in the Leased District. Following
the death of the pro-Confederate Iesh in 1862, most Anadarko fled to
Kansas during the Civil War. They returned to the Wichita Agency in
1867 and were thereafter known as Caddo. The Wichita-Caddo
reservation was established in 1872 and was allotted to 965
individuals, including 536 Caddos, in 1901. The Anadarko,
Kadohadacho, and Hasinai formed the Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma in
These items were carried by everyone in those days to help get a fire started, per “History of Hanover Township” by Henry Plumb, page 230, R. Baur 1885.. Plumb wrote “Every man, and nearly every boy old enough carried in his pocket a flint and steel. . . . To make a fire, a piece of this spunk was held together with a flint. On the upper side of it, a piece of steel, made for this purpose about 3 or 4 inches long, a 16th of an inch or more in thickness, a half of an inch wide . . . was sharply struck a sliding blow against the edge of the flint as nar the spunk as possible to make the sparks fly . . .”
More about Warren's Trading Post
Abel Warren – The first settler in the limits of the
Kiowa-Comanche reservation as well as in the western half of the
state of Oklahoma was Abel Warren. If any other person erected a
building before Warren constructed his trading post at the mouth of
Cache Creek, the historian has not advised us. This building was a
combination affair, for residence, storeroom and fort. This Indian
trading post was constructed in 1839 or 1840 . . .
This strong and sterling character was born in
Northboro, Mass., near Boston, September 19, 1814. There he grew to
young manhood with a fair education. The numerous and rich stories of
the vast frontier of the western regions of the United States fired
this comparative youth to definite action, beyond the conventional
customs of a New England state. . . .
Young Warren eventually landed by boat at the frontier
post of Fort Smith then in the Territory of Arkansas. It was in 1836
that this young man really started on his career, his heart full of
hope and armed with a typical Yankee thrift that stood him in good
stead. Being resourceful of mind and observing everything of interest
that the scouts and Indian guides would inadvertently relate, he
quickly conceived and carried out the idea that makes possible this
story. . . .
Frontier trading posts with Indians had already been
established on the Headwaters of the Missouri, Platte and Arkansas
rivers. Warren conceived the idea of such an enterprise far up the
Red River.
gathering about him eager volunteers from the ranks of the many young
adventurers who constantly visited a frontier town, as was Fort Smith
at that time, Warren formed a caravan, with proper Indian guides and
interpreters and set out in high spirits for whatever experience
might confront them. . . . .
Whether, in locating his
trading post, Warren explored Red River higher up the stream than
Cache Creek is not known. Building timber could not have been found
further west than this point. This was in the vicinity of the wild
tribes, and the fine timber of lower Cache Creek made it a logical
location for the enterprise. Also, in the "trade territory"
of this post are the great number of other important timbered
streams, as the Big Wichita, directly in view across Red River; the
little Wichita and the Beaver Creeks. West Cache, Deep Red Run, the
Washita River, Big Elk, Otter Creek, as well as the densely timbered
uplands of Caddo County and the Wichita Mountains . . .
had now been away from Massachusetts, and his faithful sweetheart,
ten strenuous, lonely years. The fur trading post had prospered.
Leaving the business in the hand of one believed trustworthy (it was
early in 1846) he left this crude, but fascinating post and started
over the long and circuitous route for Boston. . .
a letter came advising him that the custodian of the far distant
store on the banks of Cache Creek had appropriated to himself
everything at the post: all hides, furs, and stock had been carried
away, sold for cash and the scoundrel had absconded.
(7) The following
concepts can be found in “Jesse Chisholm, Ambassador of the Plains”
by Stan Hoig,University of Oklahoma Press, in chapter six which
discusses Sequoyah. They say Sequoyah had disappeared in 1842, and
the Cherokee Nation was worried as to what had become of him. In
March 1845 Jesse Chisholm was commissioned by the Cherokee Nation to
try and discover what had becom of him. In this account, while the
Cherokee were along Red River near cache Creek, and Sequoyah was very
sick, they were helped by a friendly Keechai chief. The Echasi
mentioned earlier in this account and the Keechai mentioned by Hoig
must be the same people. They were a band of the Wichita. Hoig's book
also explains why the Caddo abandoned their villages on cache Creek
and why Able Warren abandoned his trading post about the same time.
He says the Caddo had killed four Comanches. After this, the Caddo
returned to Texas to be a little further from the Comanche hoping for
some protection from the Texans. Since these Caddoes and lived near
Warren's Trading Post, the Comanches demanded he abandon his trading
post. Warren, after failing to get military support to protect him,
abandoned the post. In those days, the 1840s, if the Comanche
demanded you leave, if you were smart, you left.
Jesse's group discovered the fate of Sequoyah. Thus his
name appears on the as a witness to the letter sent back to the
Cherokee to tell them of the fate of Sequoyah.
(8) Click on the map to make it larger.
(8) Click on the map to make it larger.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing! I am looking for all information related to Sequoyah's life as our family has always claimed descendants from it on the Gist side.
ReplyDeleteCan you contact me at james_fortier@live.com. I am producing/directing a PBS documentary called Searching for Sequoyah, www.searchingforsequoyah.com Me and my partners have some questions for you regarding this account of his last journey to Mexico and the circumstances about his death there.
ReplyDeletean update... Mauluke river I believe refers to "La Maligne" a spanish name for both the Colorardo river and the Brazos river in Texas... in the early 1800's these rivers ever commonly confused with one another... The 1880's biography of Sequoyah by Foster claims his remains lay along side the "Colorado river"... the Texas Cherokees were from east Texas and so were the Caddos... The former name of San Antonino was "San Fernando".... Sequoyah is buried in Texas. In 1842-3 Texas was still part of Mexico and explains the confusion ... San Cranto must be an old town in Texas
ReplyDeletePBS got it wrong in my opinion
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